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Harlequin Junkie

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Riley's Baby Boy (Harlequin Special Edition Series #2205)

Riley's Baby Boy - Karen Rose Smith Reviewd by HarlequinJunkie Romance Reviews Karen Rose Smith has always been one of the authors that is able to suck the reader into a world of pure bliss. In this book she not only does that but also creates the perfect plot for "real life circumstances " meet the "land of fiction and make believe".We meet Riley a strong,dependable and gorgeous man...yes ladies I drooled over the cover for at least 20 min before reading,who does not love a sexy man holding a beautiful baby! Riley has always had a deep love for Brenna,his high school love,but the forces of the world keep them apart.But take a one night reunion encounter add a precious little baby,the authors notable manner of writing style,a long time standing family feud and VOILA ,you have a read that will forever more stay with you. I simply adored the way the author brought Riley and Brenna back together,the tossing and turning of passions and secrets each causing the characters to have their doubts made for a remarkably entertaining and thrilling story of old love conquers all.The author expressed true emotion,I felt actual sorrow for Brenna and Riley,going trough so much. And I even learned a lesson or two..never give up on love, you will find it right in front you don't be afraid to let go!Favourite Quote: "Because you respond and you react and go with your passion"