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Harlequin Junkie

Voracious Reader & Addicted Blogger. I ❤ Romance Genre. I thrive on Love, Laughter & Happily Ever Afters. Kindle, Nook & iPad are my BFF's.

Big Sky Mountain

Big Sky Mountain - Linda Lael Miller Reviewd by: HarlequinJunkie Romance ReviewsBefore reading this book I was told this is the perfect western romance to read that will leave you with that warm and fuzzy feeling of happiness. I am here to tell you this was spot on. The book starts off with a bang and straight through out till the end it keeps going and just gets better and better.I adored Hutch and Kendra (btw Mrs Miller I totally love the name Kendra) to the point of distraction. The fact that this is a old flames re-unite is what made the book for me. I loved how the author used the past to influence the relationship and let it bloom to a beautiful and powerful love story, that will forever more be locked into my heart.New beginnings and a fresh start is what the book is all about and even though I learned while reading the book that this is book two to a series at no point could I say oh now I am lost. I have never read this authors work but I am thoroughly impressed. The deeper meaning of the book was for me that friendship is found in the most unlikely places and when the power of love is as strong as that between Hutch and Kendra it shall never fail to rise to the occasion.