My Reviews: HarlequinJunkie ‘Once a Ferrara wife’ is an incredibly wonderful reunion story, Laurel Ferrara and Cristiano Ferrara marriage fell apart when Cristiano let Laurel down badly and she ended up walking away from their Marriage. Now 2 years later she ruturns briefly to Sicily to stand as Maid of Honor for Cristiano’s sister’s wedding and settle their divorce, this is where the story picks up. Once a Ferrara wife is compelling read; full of tension, drama, conflict and angst. There was great chemistry between Cristiano and Laurel. I liked the fact they both respected their marriage vows while they were apart and that they both were willing to work towards a reconciliation. Cristiano was my idea of a perfect hero, he was handsome, successful, protective – an overall great guy who was not afraid to show his feelings and put his heart on the line. Once Cristiano realized his part in the breakdown of their marriage, he was committed to making amends and showing Laurel that he truly loved her, by his words and deeds. This is Sarah Morgan at her best and this book here is exactly why Sarah Morgan is one of my Favorite authors. If there is a book she will write, I will read.